Thursday, September 25, 2014

We went to the museum!

My mama and I went to a museum today and it was great!  My favorite part was the sculpture of the cute little kitties.  We saw paintings, sculptures. plates, baskets, jewelry from all over the world. 

I went to a real museum.  I am standing underneath the name of the museum.
  Will you please read the name of the museum?

The people that made this used the stuff they had around them to get
the things done that needed to get done.  Can you believe it? 

This is from Japan.  I am standing by a guard and two princesses. 

The artist made this big of a plate.  I can't believe how big the artist made it.
 Good job artist! 
This is a ladle.  This is what the Native Americans used to scoop things.  

This is a necklace they wear around their neck.
They would wear it for ceremonies to celebrate things.
 They cut up clam shells into tiny little circles and made necklaces.

I hope you enjoyed this blog post and seeing the things we could take pictures of. There were many things we could not take pictures.  One of the things was a wood sculpture that was four little kitties.

Fancy Nancy and the Fabulous Fashion Boutique by Jane O'Connor: It's a good book!

I love Fancy Nancy books because they are so cool. In this Fancy Nancy book she has a boutique so she could get money for a lace fan.  She didn't get enough because she had to help her sister. But in the end she got a fan from her parents. I just love all Fancy Nancy books!  I think people that like fancy things and have been to the Fancy Nancy show would love this book!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

I would love to go to the zoo everyday!

Mama and I went to the zoo one afternoon after kindergarten all by ourselves.  I love going to the zoo because it is about learning facts about animals.  Here are some pictures from the zoo.

I love to be at the zoo with all of animal friends!

I am sitting by a statue of a sea otter.
I love the otters!

I love sitting on this statue of the mountain goat.
This is a mountain goat.

I love my ice cream!
We were eating ice cream by the elephants.

I love the elephants!  I love their new elephanty home!

This condor was a very good flyer.  He glided across.
This was a hawk we saw!!!!!!!

We saw the sea lion poop!  He didn't poop on a toilet.  It was funny and gross!
I wonder if the zoo keepers are going to come and have to clean it up?

I love the little cute bird.  It is so adorable!  Tweet! Tweet!

One of the hippos was playing a game of "guess
where he would up from the water"? 

Giraffes have very long necks.  They can eat
tree leaves well that are really super duper high.
Like a giant high. 

I was napping towards Mama because my legs were getting so tired!

Leopards are very, very, very sleepy.

They are building a new train track.
It will be ready for Zoo Lights at Christmas time.

I will love to see the zoo next time I go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Scaredy Squirrel Makes a Friend by Melanie Watt: It's a good book!

 I love Scaredy Squirrel books!  I love them because they are cute and they are interesting.  I love them because they are fascinating!  We are borrowing this book from Janis.  Scaredy Squirrel is scared of lots of things.  He is scared of walrus, bunnies, beavers, piranhas and Godzilla because he is afraid of being bitten.  In this book, Scaredy Squirrel meets a new friend that is a doggie.  They were having a lot of fun and playing. Scaredy Squirrel didn't know he would find the perfect friend. He first had a goldfish as a friend but the dog came to play. Scaredy Squirrel thought he would need a lemon to make lemonade, a name tag and hot dogs!  At the end, Scaredy Squirrel takes care of the wet doggie smell by a pine tree air freshener.  People that like squirrels and dogs that do not bite squirrels would like this book.

Thank you for reading this book review!

by Taelin